RESEARCH FEATURE: What's next? Some priorities for young planning scholars to tackle tomorrow's complex challenges

18 May, 2023

We have an exciting new read from the AESOP Young Academics Network Coordination Team! Our team's latest paper delves into the dominant challenges in planning and proposes actionable steps for better preparing Young Academics for future tasks.

Authored by Sıla Ceren Varış Husar, Dr. Asma Mehan, Rüya Erkan-Öcek, Tjark Gall, Ledio Allkja, Milan Husar & Dr. Mennatullah Hendawy, and published in the hashtag#EuropeanPlanningStudies Journal, the paper "What's next? Some priorities for young planning scholars to tackle tomorrow's complex challenges" offers a deep insight into the field.

Based on numerous discussions within our team, an extensive review of related literature, and the experiences from the AESOP Young Academics Network's broader activities, we introduce a challenge compilation for the profession, a list of core capacities, and a future-focused education framework. We aim to empower young academics and educators to lay a solid foundation for planning sustainable, people-centred settlements.


CONFERENCE: Architects in Exile: Stories of New Spatial Experiences


RESEARCH FEATURE: Sustainable Architecture Lab