Jylian Hanson

Jylian Hanson graduated magna cum laude from Texas Tech University in 2023 with her Bachelor of Science in Architecture. She is currently continuing her education at Texas Tech, pursuing a Master of Architecture with a certificate in Urban and Community Design. 

During her collegiate years, Jylian has spent her time as a course assistant for numerous different classes through the Huckabee College of Architecture including Design Environment and Society, First Year Studio, and History of Modern Architecture. She also has experience as an architectural intern, where she gained a vast knowledge of every level of the profession. Her internship experience has consisted of mostly urban planning and design with some experience in construction, client meetings/relations, and marketing. 

Through her professional career, Jylian hopes to create influential works that positively contribute to society based on her interests in sustainability, urban planning, and adaptive reuse. 


Zachary S. Casey