24 July, 2024

During the AESOP 2024 Congress that took place in Paris in July, this year’s Best Published Paper Award has been attributed to Stacy-Ann Robinson, Allison Douma, Tiffany Poore, and Kabir Singh for their paper entitled ‘The role of colonial pasts in shaping climate futures: Adaptive capacity in Georgetown, Guyana’ published in Habitat International. The colonial history of many countries in the global South has impacts on urban structures, economies and societies, policy and planning frameworks. Robinson et al.’s paper provides a fascinating study of the long shadows of Dutch and British colonialism and its imprint on current planning processes, infrastructures and institutions in Georgetown, Guyana. The paper takes up the debate on colonial legacies and explores in detail the consequences of the past on current climate resilience and adaptation capabilities. The paper stands as a remarkable contribution for planning studies, in methodological, theoretical and practice-oriented terms. All committee members wish to congratulate the authors on receiving this year’s award!

AESOP Best Published Paper Committee Elisabetta Vitale-Brovarone, Committee Chair (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Antonio Ferreira (University of Porto, Portugal), Michael Getzner (Vienna University of Technology, Austria), Menelaos Gkartzios (Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, and Newcastle University, United Kingdom), Kadri Leetmaa (University of Tartu, Estonia), Asma Mehan (Texas Tech University College of Architecture, United States). 

AESOP - The Association of European Schools of Planning  

AESOP Young Academics Network 


New Book Publication: Educational Research and the Question(s) of Time


New Book Chapter: Immersive Art and Urban Heritage: An Interdisciplinary Study of Socio-Environmental Justice in Houston and Amsterdam