NEW BOOK CHAPTER: “Transición Energética y Construcción Social del Territorio Ante el Reto del Cambio Climático y el Nuevo Marco Geopolítico.”

November 20, 2023

We're thrilled to announce that together with Jessica Stuckemeyer, we have contributed a chapter to the recently published book, "Transición Energética y Construcción Social el Territorio ante el reto del cambio climático y el nuevo marco geopolítico." This bilingual book in Spanish and English, edited by Alexandra Delgado Jiménez, Joaquin Farinos, and Roberto Alvarez Fernández, and published by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, is an academic exploration of the intersection between energy transition, societal changes, and geopolitical dynamics.

Our chapter, “Urbanism in the Era of Radical Transitions," provides a critical analysis of how urban landscapes are evolving in response to environmental and technological shifts. It's a timely addition to a book that seeks to understand the impacts of renewable energy deployment on the intricate interplay between society, economy, and environment through analyzing and comparing transnational case studies.

More About the Book Here:

Book Launch:

We will present the book in a public event in Madrid @universidad_nebrija (Santa Cruz de Marcenado 27, Salón de Actos) on 30th of November 16.00-18.00 h (Madrid time). The event will be streamed online, in this link:


CONFERENCE PANEL: Venice Architecture Biennale


CONFERENCE PANEL: Decolonizing Space in the Global East.