RESEARCH FEATURE: Special Issue— Non-sacred Spaces for Religious Practices and Spirituality

August, 2023

A special issue of "Non-sacred Spaces for Religious Practices and Spirituality," co-edited by Assistant Professor Dr. Asma Mehan, has recently been published. This project was a collaborative effort from editors Dr. Krzysztof Nawratek from The University of Sheffield, UK; Dr. Asma Mehan from Texas Tech University, USA; and Dr. Aaron J. French, PhD from Universität Erfurt, Germany. The special issue is now accessible in the Q1 peer-reviewed open-access journal "Religions," published by MDPI Press in 2023.

Highlighted articles within the issue include:
-”'Not-All-There' in the Necropolis: Afterlife and Madness in Urban Novels" by Marija Spirkovska.
-"The Religion of Consumer Capitalism and the Emergence of Corporate Sacred Spaces" by Alison Coudert.
-"Spatial Reflections on Muslims' Segregation in Britain" featuring contributions from Farouq Tahar, Asma Mehan, and Krzysztof Nawratek.
-"Classrooms as Sacred Space: Evolving Structures for Holistic Teaching in Higher Education" by Joaquin Munoz.
-"From Secular Spaces to Religious Realms: A Study on the Romanian Orthodox Place of Worship in Lunghezza, Rome" with insights provided by Ioan Cozma, Angelica Federici, Maria Chiara Giorda, and Silvia Omenetto.


NCARB Scholar in Professional Practice


RESEARCH FEATURE: Texas-Oklahoma Iranian Studies Workshop